Envy is a Teacher

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Social media… What a wonderful, terrible place. Am I right? I have a love-hate relationship with it. I’m so grateful it is a way that I can connect with so many of you, I have made some of my very closest friends through social media, and I’ve also learned a lot in the space.

But, it can also be a source of a lot of stress and anxiety for me. It can feel like keeping up with joneses as a small business marketing online and lord knows it can lead me down a spiral of comparison and yep, envy.

BUT, it’s not all bad. In fact, I’ve come to realize that some of these uncomfortable emotions, like jealousy, can be really helpful when we stop long enough to get curious and learn from them, which is what we’re chatting about today. And it’s not just something we feel scrolling social media either. Let’s dive in! 

In this episode, Envy is a Teacher, I chat about:

  • The difference between envy and jealousy 

  • The reminder that social media doesn’t show the whole story of someone’s life 

  • How envy can be a guiding light for the things we want in our life

  • Celebrating those that you envy  

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More About the Climbing with Coach Kiah Podcast:

How do I build self-confidence? Will losing weight finally make me happy? How do I break free of self-shame and diet culture? What does self-love even mean? How do I create a lifestyle I actually love and pursue the dreams on my heart?

Welcome to Climbing with Coach Kiah, a podcast where we dive deep to answer these questions and more!

Tune in for honest and open conversations with host Kiah Twisselman Burchett and featured guests to chat about mindset, health, self-love, body image, chasing your dreams, and so much more.