7 Ways to Measure Health Without a Scale

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I have broken up with my scale. Here’s the thing: scales aren’t bad. They are a hunk of metal and plastic, there is nothing moral about them. They are an inanimate object that’s job is to provide data. And that data isn’t even bad! Whether it’s higher or lower than you’d like, it’s simply a string of numbers measuring a mass. Now, all that said, our relationship with this totally neutral object may be anything but neutral. And I think our society has been conditioned to put more weight into what it says, pun intended, than is actually helpful for our overall health. Today I’m going to discuss 7 ways to measure health without a scale. So, if you are exploring the idea of breaking up with scale while also still wanting to focus on your health, this one is for you!

In this episode about ways to measure health without a scale, we’ll chat about:

  • Weight obsession along with rampant diet culture is actually hurting us more than it’s helping

  • It’s not inherently BAD to want to lose weight but looking at weight as the sole measure of health is bad because there are so many other ways to do so

  • Health does not LOOK a certain way and weight is NOT the best indicator of health

  • The 7 ways to measure health without a scale

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How do I build self-confidence? Will losing weight finally make me happy? How do I break free of self-shame and diet culture? What does self-love even mean? How do I create a lifestyle I actually love and pursue the dreams on my heart?

Welcome to Climbing with Coach Kiah, a podcast where we dive deep to answer these questions and more!

Tune in for honest and open conversations with host Kiah Twisselman Burchett and featured guests to chat about mindset, health, self-love, body image, chasing your dreams, and so much more.